Friday, 27 June 2014

Fourth Class coming to an End!

It has been so busy this last month, June has flown by!
This month we have been doing projects about Brazil and the Amazon river and Rainforest that run through it. We have learned that Brazil won the World cup 5 times. (Abbie S.)
We learned that Brazil borders 10 countries. (Aoife)
Did you Know.......The amazon Rainforest is the largest Tropical Rainforest in the world. (Caoimhe)
Its the only South American country that speaks Portuguese. (Gloria)
The Amazon is the most fertile area in Brazil. (Kate)
We learned that Brazil is the worlds largest producer of coffee. (Tomiwa)

Also this month we went on our school tour. We went to
Have a look at some of the pictures of our day!
We went to the Wax Museum. There were some funny things to see and some scary ones too! (Selena)
I loved the horror room in the Wax Museum (Shaamina)

I had great fun with my friends on the tour. (Natasha)

We went to the wax museum and we saw lots of different statues from people in history. (Excelle)


Last week we have an art workshop.

We worked really hard on our products and everyone helped each other. Check out some of the bags and phones you could be buying in the future!

My product was called the snack phone (Abbey)

My product was 'The Super Rocking fun time Phone'. (Katie)

We had lots of fun in the art workshop doing the bags.(Weronika)
We learned all about different jobs designers do (Naomi)
We used our imaginations to come up with great designs. (Lauren)

We had our sports day last Friday, It was lots of fun (Rachel)

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Hi again!

Hi again its Abbey Katie Tomiwa and Excelle .This week we had our interculteral day class is learning about the amazing Costa Rica.
It was really fun,we set up stands in our P.E hall. Our stand was about how far our bananas traveled we were giving out samples of our banana bread that teacher had made.
We also harvested our lettuce. They grew really well and we all got to bring one home.